Pandan Snow Skin Mooncakes

Snow mooncakes

Last year around this time, I made the traditional mooncakes.  If you never heard of the Mid-Autumn Festival (aka Moon Festival), a brief introduction is on that page.

I spent a month in Hong Kong this summer and ordered a customized mooncake mold which engraved with my blog’s name “Gin’s Kitchen”.  So I’m very excited to use it for the very first time today.

As you can see from my posts, I am a big fan of Christine Ho.  I like a lot of her recipes, including this Pandan Snow Skin Mooncake recipe.  Happy Moon Festival!!

Ingredients: (makes 10 mooncakes with a 75g mold)

55gGlutinous rice flour
45gRice flour
25gWheat starch
60gCaster sugar
190mlNon-fat milk
30mlCondensed milk
25mlVegetable oil
40mlPandan juice
3 dropsPandan paste
2 TbspCooked glutinous rice flour (for coating
Mung bean filingPls see Christine’s recipe here


(I’m using a 75g mold and the ratio for filling and dough is 2:3)

  1. To make the pandan juice, steam the frozen pandan leaves for about 10 minutes in a steamer, then cut leaves into small pieces and blend with a food processer.  (picture 1)
  2. Use a cheesecloth to squeeze out the pandan juice.  (picture 2)
  3. Combine all types of flour and sugar in a mixing bowl. Set aside.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix milk, condensed milk, pandan juice and oil together and pour into the flour mixture. Mix until there is no lump. Pass through a fine sieve to have the finest texture. (picture 3)
  5. Steam the batter in a steamer over medium-high heat for about 20 minutes. Remove from the steamer and let it cool. Lightly knead dough by hand and until smooth. (picture 4)
  6. Cut dough into 10 portions, about 45g each.  Mung bean filling should be 35g each, roll each into a round shape.  (pictures 5 and 6)
  7. Wrap each filling ball with a dough and shape it into a ball.  (picture 7)
  8. Lightly dust the mooncake ball and dust the mooncake mould with cooked glutinous rice flour, shake off excess four from the mold. Place the mooncake ball in the mold and press to print the pattern. Repeat this step for the rest of the dough and fillings.  (pictures 8 and 9)
  9. Refrigerate overnight.
Snow Mooncakes

The flour help remove the mooncake from the mold easily.  You don’t need to worry about the excess flour (see picture below) as you can use a clean brush to brush it off.

Moon Cake Mold